In its current form, the National Ambulance Service (OMSZ) was established by a government decree on May 10, 1948, as the legal successor of the then 61-year-old Budapest Volunteer Ambulance Association and the Volunteer Ambulance Association of Cities and Counties.

The task of the OMSZ is to comply with Act CLIV of 1997 on Health 94-96. §, Government Decree 322/2006. on the National Ambulance Service. (XII.23.), EüM Decree 5/2006. on rescue. (II.7.), as well as its Memorandum of Association, which was last amended on 2 November 2010.

The task of the OMSZ is to provide rescue, event insurance, mobile guards, rescue preparedness, oxiology education at the university, college and postgraduate levels, nationwide supervision of first aid, participation in the health eradication of elementary disasters, scientific advocacy, and expert advice to authorities. liaison with similar foreign institutions. The task of the OMSZ is also – in accordance with EüM Decree 5/2006. on rescue. (II. 7.) EüM Decree – the provision of health insurance for state events and health insurance for events in accordance with the Government Resolution on the Procedure for the Preparation and Conduct of National Holidays and Events of High Importance.

Our employees work with the same principles, equipment and supply protocols throughout the country.

The operational rescue tasks are performed by the 7 Regional Rescue Organizations, our CEO exercises the health professional management rights in respect of the Hungarian Air Rescue Non-Profit Llc.

Number of ambulance stations currently operating in the country: 255.